扑克界的传奇事件 - 澳门网上真人赌场
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  扑克界的传奇事件,大多数人,包括扑克爱好者们,可能都并不知道。从Doyle Brunson的扑克奖金资助他竞选美国总统这样的离奇事件开始,相关的有趣的赌博琐事会勾起你的兴趣。

  在15世纪,由于有两个规则和名称都类似的的游戏在法国和德国玩起,因而,历史学家不确定扑克游戏的起源。 Poque法国游戏最有可能是现代扑克的祖先候选人,因为美国和加拿大东海岸部分地区是他们的殖民地,所以很可能是从法国带来了他们的游戏。



  扑克传奇人物Doyle Brunson将始终倍他的底牌,如果他们表现出了一个AQ。布伦森也认为,一个女人坐在一个牌桌上运气是不好的。一方面作为一个作家的传奇扑克策略手在超级系统中始终扮演了一个10-2的孔卡相结合的角色,一方面他他赢得了世界系列扑克的主要赛事。



  职业扑克玩家在世界扑克系列赛主赛事中不考虑是否会成为比赛的冠军,这主要是由于每年高比赛中的条目数。相反,在WSOP $ 50,000 的HORSE比赛被视为职业扑克选手的世界冠军。




  10 Things You Didn’t Know About Poker

  The top ten facts about poker that most people, including poker fans, probably didn't know. From Doyle Brunson's bizarre superstitions to the American President who funded his election campaign solely on poker prize money, broaden your trivia knowledge with these interesting facts.

  Historians are uncertain about where the game of poker originated, due to the fact that two games with similar rules and names were played in France and Germany in the 15th century. The French game of Poque is the most likely candidate for being the ancestor of modern poker, as it seems likely the French brought the game with them when they colonised parts of the East coast of the United States and Canada.

  President Nixon may never have risen to power if it hadn’t been for his poker skills. Tricky Dicky proved to be a dab hand at poker while serving in the US Navy during World War Two, and won sufficient money playing poker in the navy to be able to fund his first campaign for congress.

  Poker legend Stu Ungar had to borrow the money to pay his buy-in to the 1997 World Series of Poker. Despite being on the brink of psychological and physical collapse, and suffering from addictions to both alcohol and cocaine, Ungar managed to hold himself together for long enough to win his third title and a cheque for $1 million. He died a year later, penniless.

  There is a 1 in 221 chance of being dealt a pair of aces in any given hand of poker.

  Poker legend Doyle Brunson will always fold his hole cards if they show an AQ. Brunson also believes that a woman sitting at a poker table is bad luck. The writer of the legendary poker strategy manual Super/System always plays a hole card combination of 10-2, a hand he was holding on both occasions that he won the World Series of Poker main event.

  Brunson is probably beginning to find it difficult to dodge women players at the poker table. According to the most recent statistics, about a third of all poker players in the United States are female.

  No player holding pocket aces, has ever won the final hand of the World Series of Poker No Limit Hold ’em main event. Instead, this has been the hand that has lost a player the World Series of Poker twice during the tournament’s history.

  Professional poker players do not consider the Main Event at the World Series of poker to be the game’s championship, due mainly to the high number of entries in the tournament each year. Instead the $50,000 H.O.R.S.E tournament at the WSOP is regarded as the professional poker player’s world championship.

  Jack Straus thought he had been eliminated from the 1982 World Series of Poker Main Event, before discovering that he had overlooked a single $500 chip when he lost his stack midway through the tournament. Strauss used this single chip to launch a fight-back, and went on to win the tournament.

  The World Series of Poker Main Event is the richest single event in any sport format. The Main Event at the 2006 WSOP paid out over $40 million in prize money, almost double the prize money paid out at the Breeders Cup of thoroughbred horseracing, the second richest sports event in the world.