NFL的历史 - 澳门网上真人赌场
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首页 > 博彩资讯> 产业资讯> NFL的历史


  全国足球联赛有一个很有趣的历史。它创建于1920年,NFL的名称于1922年开始使用。 NFL是最大的足球联赛,共32支球队,分成2部门,起初只有11支球队组成的足球联赛联盟,直到今天,数量仍然在不断增加。美国足球在美国是头号体育运动,全美国有很多人是忠实的球迷,这是毫无疑问的。
  足球不仅是游戏本身,尤其是当你看到超级足球联赛对美国人意味着什么。超级足球联赛是美国人一年中最重要的事件,很多人观看此足球赛事。加上电视媒体,娱乐传媒和其他因素的影响,每一场足球比赛都创造出无限的魅力。 NFL是美国最重要的体育联赛,NFL提高足球运动在世界范围内的普及。
  The history of NFL
  The National Football League has a very interesting history. It was created in 1920 and the name was established in 1922 as the NFL. NFL is the largest football league with 32 teams divided into 2 divisions. At first only 11 teams composed NFL and the number increased until today. With American football being the number one sport in the United States, there is no doubt that many of the teams have a big number of fans.
  The American football is a very close relative of rugby. The rules differ but the style of play is just about the same. Rugby was very popular in Europe in the 19 century and thus was imported firstly in Canada. From Canada, rugby arrived in the United States where there were some changes operated so the game would be more attractive. The college American football is the point of origin for professional football.
  The Eastern part of the United States and in Midwest football raised in popularity so that there was a need for a ruling authority. This ruling authority was founded in 1920 and in 1922 it received the name of National Football League, or the NFL. The first president of this league was Jim Thorpe, a legendary figure for the American football.
  After NFL was born the rules of the game became clearer and teams began respecting them. However, there were important teams that pressured for changing the rules so they were changed many times until the final form from the 1970s. It was then when football became the number one sport of the nation and when the sets of rules were crystallized the way we see them today.
  Football is not only about the game itself and this is clear especially when you see what Super Bowl means for Americans. Super Bowl is the most important event of the year and many people watch this event.
  The TV coverage, the entertainment and other factors create the glamour of every football game. The NFL is the most important sports league in the US and it made decisions for increasing football’s popularity even more. One of these decisions is creating the pre seasonal matches.
  In conclusion, NFL had a glamorous history and it should be considered the most important authority in the American sports. It was created 90 years ago and the rules of the football game were crystallized a few decades ago. Football is a very spectacular game in the arena and when watched at TV. 
