美国退休老翁买彩中奖变富翁 - 澳门网上真人赌场
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  January 10, Mike Snyder and Lee Snyder and his wife received a purchase of $ 1 million prize in the Minnesota Millionaire lottery.

  According to reports, the past four years, Mike Snyder has maintained a habit of each purchase of a lottery, but the November 18, 2011, he decided to spend $ 20 to buy two lottery tickets, no coincidence, is the key to the second lottery of $ 1 million prize, let him become a millionaire and his wife. Mike said, "I never dreamed that 1 million U.S. dollars can be in and I think even if I can in some small prize will be very pleased," he said, he has been looking forward to can be in the $ 5,000 or $ 25,000, did not expect to be so much, he was pleased that they have bought two lottery tickets, this decision is a very high return.

  Lee Snyder is engaged in medical and health-related work, she said she love my work, and do not intend to leave. Her husband, Mike, has been retired, Mike said, this windfall will make their retirement some happier, he will save them money, and use the money sensibly.
