美国彩票盗窃犯被判5年监禁 - 澳门网上真人赌场
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  According to U.S. media reports, recently, the Georgia lottery thief Métis by the State Supreme Court sentenced to five years in prison.

  , Metis in southeastern Georgia, a convenience store in February 2004, the use of an unmanned cash register help of stealing $ 95 worth of lottery tickets. Metis are caught in the video are scratch off lottery tickets stolen in order to confirm whether the winning (he did not in)。

  Metis was to prosecute a non-legitimate means the National Lottery, "was sentenced to five years in prison. Métis lawyers appeal on February 5, 2012. The Georgia Supreme Court rejected his appeal and upheld the conviction.

  The Atlanta Journal Constitution tried to interview the lawyer of Dayton, and Metis.

  Sandra Dutton, the prosecution of the case, the Fulton County Daily Report ", the state Lottery Commission has been committed to the fight against lottery fraud, but has been limited to the lack of case law for this case.
