打麻将中蕴藏的运气 - 澳门网上真人赌场
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  How much luck is involved?

  As the total number of tiles in a Mah Jong set is 144 (or 136, if Flowers and Seasons are omitted), and a complete hand is formed of four sets and a pair, it is clear that the number of possible winning hands is huge. Though the tiles received in the dealt hand are important for determining the initial goal, it is not so rare that a player ends up winning with a hand where more than half of the tiles of the completed sets have been picked from the Wall or from other players' discards.

  It is also true that a novice player may be lucky enough to beat expert players. Even in the classical rules a player may win the complete game by just one lucky hand – though not necessarily with a Limit hand (a special hand that normally automatically scores the maximum points)。 It is important to note that big profits are often a result of a) collecting an average winning hand combined with bonuses for extra tiles (like Flowers, Seasons and Dora tiles), and/or b) using the classical payoff scheme, according to which all losers pay double if the winning player is East. The so called Limit hands are rare in other than American and French rules (the American rules use jokers and Charleston to help players collect big hands, and the French rules allow partially melded irregular winning hands)。

  Though the meaning of luck in Mah Jong is undeniably great, it would be a serious mistake to think that Mah Jong is a sheer game of fortune. In the long run a skillful player is guaranteed to win, and a player relying solely on luck will find that the game becomes sooner or later utterly frustrating – not so much because he has lost his luck, but because experienced players constantly ruin his ambitious attempts for high-scoring hands either by going out on quick and easy hands or by seeming to know the tiles he needs to complete his hand, and then strike with one or two high-scoring hands without giving a clue.

  Skill in Mah Jong cannot be compared with skill required in purely intellectual games like chess or go. The Japanese word 'ojozu' (often translated as 'skillful') means "one who knows how to adapt to his luck", and describes accurately the kind of talent required from a good Mah Jong player. This does not involve an attempt to control or force the luck (which is an endeavor based ultimately on superstition), but an attempt to control the likelihood of having luck on one's side – and ability to exploit it to the full, once this goal is achieved. 
