纽约赌博法规 - 澳门网上真人赌场
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首页 > 博彩资讯> 产业资讯> 纽约赌博法规


  New York state gambling laws are quite restrictive. The basic principle, enumerated in the state's Constitution, is that gambling is lawful if and only if it is sponsored by the state. The proceeds of any such activity are to go to the costs of government. The constitution holds that educational funding is the primary form of government expenditure that will be financed through lotteries or any other form of gaming.
  New York state laws hold that "gambling" is any activity based on a contract, where the element of chance is the primary factor in deciding who wins and who loses. The "contract" part of the definition is defined as some kind of agreement stipulating that a gambler will be paid something of value if he wins the game or loses something of value if he does not. The law also states that gambling does not exist when the stakes are objects of no value. Objects of value must be won or lost for a game of chance to be considered "gambling."
  Judicial Remedies
  These laws allow people who have lost money to private (illegal) games to sue so they can get their money back. It is very clear (though it remains controversial) that a person who plays such games sponsored by another person is not prosecutable. Those who sponsor these games are prosecuted. In general, the law provides that mere players in games of chance may sue to retrieve their losses up to double the amount lost.
  Crime Categories
  Small-scale, privately sponsored or promoted games of chance are considered illegal gambling in the "second degree" and are prosecuted as misdemeanors. Large-scale, privately sponsored or promoted games of chance, defined in the New York statues as games that generate more than $5,000 daily or involve the taking of more than five bets per day (as bookies do), are considered illegal gambling in the "first degree." Such games are treated as felonies. It is clear that the laws of the state are aimed at those who promote or profit from gambling, not those merely playing the game 
