抽奖游戏思路 - 澳门网上真人赌场
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  另一种抽奖游戏的想法,是包括创建一个产品与抽奖券一起卖。建议出售的奖券来筹款,包括与每种产品相关的抽奖券。真的,这样可以使产品做长久并确保它有利可图。例如,可以自制每张票来进行抽奖销售这样的方式购买焙烤食品:客户用两张票可能会赢得一个蛋糕; 10张票可能获得一个馅饼。给予即时的产品形式的奖金,即时使客户满足,可能会增加门票收入。
  "Number 1-5-3-7-5." Almost nothing feels more energizing than winning a big raffle prize. Like the lottery, many people love gambling small amounts of money for the chance to win large prizes. More importantly, raffles can raise substantial amounts of money for your business, charity or cause, especially when all the prizes have been donated. With just a few raffle game ideas, you can increase ticket sales and have a successful fundraiser. Consult your state's raffle laws before making any plans.
  Credit Vouchers
  Open Buckle Auction Service created an entrepreneurial raffle idea with credit vouchers. Some people at fundraising events don't carry large amounts of cash on hand and can't pay for more than a couple of raffle tickets. However, with credit vouchers -- forms that allow buyers to promise to pay later -- those with limited cash can buy 10, 20 or even 100 raffle tickets at an event. Open Buckle's credit voucher form allots no space for writing down credit information, but focuses on a promise to pay. Because the credit voucher relies on a promise to pay, you should use this idea in small groups where everyone knows each other.
  Combined Raffle/Product Sales
  Another raffle game idea involves creating a product to sell with raffle tickets. Fundraiser Help suggests the sale of calendars and including a raffle ticket with each calendar purchased. Really, whatever easily made product you can create will work as long as you do the math and make sure it is profitable. For example, a raffle/bake sale can include homemade baked goods with each ticket purchased: Two tickets might earn a customer one cupcake; 10 tickets gets a pie. Giving an immediate product bonus provides instant customer gratification and will likely increase ticket sales.
  Strategic Prize Offerings
  Oftentimes, organizations throwing a raffle tend to forget about the prizes that serve them the best. Give prizes that fit your organization's goals. For example, if the raffle raises money for cancer awareness, send patrons only to businesses that make large donations to your cause. Or, a school raffle might include a gift card to the neighborhood pizzeria. By supporting businesses that help you and vice versa, you're guaranteed a win-win situation. 
