摩纳哥,赌徒富翁的避税天堂 - 澳门网上真人赌场
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  您刷您的镶满钻石的URI卡,在各地的公奢侈品店,和私人商场将的奢侈品商店,如普拉达,迪奥,和卡地亚。在著名的赌场,你可以期望红地毯待遇。在由Alain Ducasse经营的路易十五餐厅,你会得到一个围绕其著名的“60万瓶的酒窖导游。





  阿尔伯特亲王是试图让摩纳哥从一个国家的黑名单中删除 - (列支敦士登和安道尔也名单上)。




  安圭拉 - 英国海外领土和离岸银行业务的天堂

  昂儒昂岛 - 离岸中心于2005年开始


  波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 - 10%的企业所得税,10%的所得税,10%的资本收益税


  开曼群岛- 海外收益税




  马其顿 - 10%的公司税,所得税10%


  瑙鲁 - 没有纳税。

  新西兰 - 没有税务,他的新居民的外汇收入为四年。没有资本所得税。

  诺福克岛 - 没有个人所得税。

  俄罗斯 - 13%的所得税

  乌克兰 - 15%的所得税


  Monaco bids to attract the über rich to its shores – get your VIP Casino Pass!

  Monaco is at the centre of the storm brewing at the G20 on tax havens and it is starting to feel the heat. So it has gone on the defensive. Or rather onto the attack. They are marketing the enclave as the perfect millionaires holiday destination. And the target market is those  90,000 odd individuals who have enough lolly in their bank accounts. These people have been classed as URIs, or Ultra Rich Individuals. (We prefer über rich individuals)。

  If you are a URI, you should receive an invitation from the Royal House that is being referred to as the ”key to Monaco”。

  When you flash your diamond encrusted URI card, the shop assistants in luxury shops around the principality have been requested to go into total sucking up mode, and private shopping will be the order of the day at luxury stores such as Prada, Christian Dior, Yves Saint Laurent and Cartier. Head to the famous casino and you can expect the same red carpet treatment. Or pile into the Louis XV restaurant run by Alain Ducasse, and you’ll get a guided tour around their famous 600,000-bottle wine cellar.

  OK- the nosh is going to cost you €1,000 a head, but at least you will have seen the cellars.

  Need to dash about? No problem- URIs will have a helicopter on standby so that you can get your towel on the sunbeds at St Tropez before the Germans come down for breakfast.  An quick tour around the Royal Palace will be also on the cards.

  Monaco wants to target China and Russia, but selectively. Then they are hoping that word of mouth will get out on the URI grapevine.

  The principality claims that the program is not about tourist dollars, but more about developing an exclusive “Friends of Monaco” club with powerful and influencial people around the world.

  Of course Monaco is already a millionaire’s paradise. Sir Philip Green lives here, as does recent Team Brawn Melbourne Grand Prix winner Jensen Button, who lives in the principality with his mate David Coulthaud. There are 35,000 residents and 350,000 bank accounts that have total deposits of in excess of ?80 billion in Monaco. This huge number has been fuelled by banking secrecy and the fact that there is no income tax. The Grimaldi family is following the G20 summit and Gordon Brown’s plans with nervous apprehension and baited breath.

  Prince Albert is trying to get Monaco removed from a blacklist of states – (Liechtenstein and Andorra are also on the list)。

  Will he succeed? Time will tell, but it seems like the tide has turned somewhat on the likes of Monaco and Andorra. But with new “Friends of Monaco” arriving at the casino and yacht clubs every day, they may just get themselves a stay of execution.

  Other Tax Havens

  Monaco is not the only territory that is starting to feel the heat from the G20 summit in London. Other tax havens that are in the firing line include:

  Andorra. 0% personal income tax.

  Anguilla – A British Overseas Territory and offshore banking paradise

  Anjouan – offshore centre started in 2005

  Antigua and Barbuda

  The Bahamas- 0% income tax

  Bosnia and Herzegovina – 10% corporate income tax, 10% income tax, 10% capital gain tax

  British Virgin Islands: 41% of the world’s offshore companies are based here. And it’s not of the sun!

  Campione d’Italia- an Italian principality in Switzerland

  Channel Islands,- Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney & Sark. No tax on overseas gains.

  Cyprus- thanks to its unusual staus with the EU

  Delaware: a low income tax state

  Hong Kong- 17% tax, no tax on foreign earnings, no capital gains

  Ireland- corporation tax is only 10% or 12.5%.

  The Isle of Man no corporation tax, capital gains tax, inheritance tax or wealth tax. Personal income tax is levied at 10-18%.

  Labuan, an island off Borneo

  Liechtenstein – recently in the news over banking secrecy

  Macau – similar set up to Hong Kon

  Macedonia – corporate taxes 10%, income taxes 10%

  Monaco- no personal income tax.

  Nauru – No taxes. Period. Except at the airport.

  Netherlands Antilles -under fire from te Dutch government in the same way as UK territories are in Brown’s sights.

  New Zealand - no tax ton he foreign income of new residents for four years. No capital gains tax.

  Norfolk Island – no personal income tax.

  Russia – 13% income tax

  St Kitts and Nevis

  St Vincent and the Grenadines

  Switzerland- complicated often secretive tax negotiations

  Turks and Caicos Islands
