扑克老手TJ Cloutier - 澳门网上真人赌场
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扑克老手TJ Cloutier

  扑克厅名人堂中的TJ Cloutier,是一个真正的扑克老手。 Cloutier近古稀之年,也是最古老的职业扑克玩家和唯一的高级玩家,是世界排名前二十扑克的玩家之一。

  扑克名人TJ Cloutier的职业

  据悉,TJ Cloutier在军队中玩扑克。当他离开了军队,他忽略了游戏,成为一名职业橄榄球玩家,职业生涯的开始,是因为最后受伤。继他的足球生涯之后,在得克萨斯州TJ Cloutier得到了石油钻机的工作,并很快再次打牌。

  到20世纪80年代后期,TJ Cloutier的扑克已成为比他在他的日常工作以赚取更多的钱的一种种工作,他成为了足够强的扑克选手。正是在这个阶段,TJ - Cloutier决定退出石油钻井平台,追求他的全职扑克工作。

  TJ Cloutier于1985年参加他的第一个扑克锦标赛。在第16届年度世界系列扑克中Cloutier以令人印象深刻的形象亮相,到第二位,近30万美元支付。他没有再次播放,直到1987年当他在世界扑克系列赛赢得底池限注奥马哈比赛采取温和的72,000元的一等奖。

  TJ Cloutier联系已使他的世界系列扑克首次亮相以来,赢得扑克的最大竞争的6个手镯。他从来没有赢过的主要事件,但是他最后赢得第二名,在1985年和2000年的成功证明他是世界上最熟练的玩家之一。此外,TJ Cloutier是唯一世界扑克系列锦标赛的所有三个奥马哈扑克格式赢得的玩家。

  虽然TJ Cloutier在世界扑克巡回赛的冠军没有他的名字,但是他确实是一个多才多艺的参与者。他三次到答总决赛的赌桌上,并完成另外两次的获奖。 TJCloutier在他的职业生涯中获得的总奖金超过7,000,000元。

  TJ Cloutier简介:玩牌风格

  TJ Cloutier,当谈论到他的的打法,那是众所周知的顽石。对于对手来说,他是出了名让对家紧张的玩家,Cloutier认为仔细观察他的对手是他成功的关键。


  TJ Cloutier

  TJ Cloutier, Poker Hall of Fame inductee, is a true poker veteran. At almost seventy years of age, Cloutier is also one of the oldest players on the professional poker circuit and the only senior player to appear in the top twenty world poker rankings.

  TJ Cloutier Poker Celebrity & Career

  TJ Cloutier learnt to play poker in the army. He neglected the game when he left the army to become a professional American football player, a career that eventually ended due to injury. Following his football career TJ Cloutier picked up work on oil rigs in Texas, and was soon playing cards again.

  By the late 1980s TJ Cloutier had become a strong enough poker player to earn more money from poker than he was making in his day job. It was at this stage that TJ Cloutier decided to quit the oil rigs and pursue poker as his full-time career.

  TJ Cloutier played in his first poker tournament in 1985. At the 16th Annual World Series of Poker Cloutier pulled off an impressive debut, taking second place and a payout of nearly 300,000 dollars. He didn’t play again until 1987 when he won the Pot Limit Omaha tournament at the World Series of Poker to take the modest first prize of $72,000.

  Since making his World Series of Poker debut, TJ Cloutier has won six bracelets at poker’s biggest competition. He has never won the main event, but his two 2nd place finishes in 1985 and 2000 prove that he is one of the most skilled players in the world. Furthermore TJ Cloutier is the only player to have won tournaments in all three Omaha poker formats at the World Series of Poker.

  Although TJ Cloutier has no titles to his name in the World Poker Tour he is an accomplished participant nonetheless. He has made it to the final table on three occasions and finished in the money on another two occasions. TJ Cloutier’s career earnings are just in excess of $7,000,000.

  TJ Cloutier Profile: Playing Style

  TJ Cloutier is the proverbial rock when it comes to style of play. He’s a notoriously tight player, which means opponents take him seriously when he plays a hand. Cloutier tends to play only premium poker hands, and believes that this combined with careful observation of his opponents is the key to his success.
