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首页 > 博彩资讯> 产业资讯> 为你揭秘百家乐中的巨额赌注


  The Dragon 是参加过高赌注博彩锦标赛的赌徒,并且拥有丰富的经验,这是我们大部分人唯有在梦中才能实现的事。现在,他给我们展现了一个富人和名人相结合的生活方式。

  The Dragon 的赌龄已经有20多年,但是他大部分时间都是一个人独自呆在赌场的贵宾室里,所以他很少看到其他的狂热赌徒。The Dragon与一个高级赌场行政长官在一次特别长时间聊天会议中,聊起了他的亲人和朋友。

  谈话在贵宾室开始展开,但是The Dragon拉着X先生到一个在澳门穷街陋巷里鲜为人知的通宵饮酒会。而我们听到了他们的谈话。

  The Dragon :在投注之前,玩家需要什么样投注水平,他才开始获得皇室般的待遇?$ 10K一手?$ 20K一手?还是更多?

  X先生:在我们的资产里,起价一般是$ 10K,通常情况下,在其他的玩家开赛之前,我们已经知道一些情况。我们会由其他部门或中介运营商传达通知。也有些新的玩家会在比赛之前暗中做一些访问。
























  Big Bet Baccarat

  The Dragon is a high rolling gambler who experiences what most of us only dream of. He gives us a peek into the lifestyles of the rich and famous.

  The Dragon has been playing in casinos more than 20 years, much of it in VIP rooms all by himself, so he doesn't see much of the other high rollers. After one particularly long playing session The Dragon got chatting to a senior casino executive about his 'fellow Dragons'.

  conversation started in the VIP room but The Dragon was able to drag Mr X out after his shift to an all-night drinking session in a little-known dark bar amongst Macau's winding back streets. Let's listen in on their conversation.

  The Dragon: So what sort of level does a player need to be betting before he starts getting the royal treatment? $10k a hand? $20k a hand? More?

  Mr X: At our property, $10k and above starts the 'curiosity' going. Normally, we already know who the other 'Dragons' are prior to them commencing play as we would've been notified by other departments like the cage, or junket operators. But sometimes new big players just turn up and start playing completely unannounced.

  D: So what do you offer the really big players? Hotel suites of course, but what about nights out, rounds of golf, travel, shopping? Do they get all that?

  X: Yep, all of the above depending of their level of play and turnover.

  D: What's the strangest request you've had from a high rolling baccarat player?

  X: It's always about the dealer. Apart from no male, no female, no spectacles, not pregnant, young girls, no breaks, specific hair colour, eye colour, and many more, none that I could recall off the top of my head!

  D: What's the average age of the really big players?

  X: It's usually mid 30s to late 50s. The late 40s seems to be the average.

  D: Of course most of them would be men, right?

  X: Correct.

  D: Do you ever see female high rollers on baccarat?

  X: Yes of course, but only a minority.

  D: What's the biggest betting you've seen from a woman?

  X: HK$100k a hand.

  D: That's a decent amount, but it's certainly not massive compared to the men. So do the big players generally bring entourages?

  X: The majority of them do. They normally come in groups of two or three. Sometimes more.

  D: How do they get to Macau? Any special ways?

  X: No just the same as everyone else: the border gate, ferry and the airport (in that order)。

  D: What restaurants do they like to eat in? Are there any special restaurants loaded up with high rollers?

  X: No specific places. Shark fin must be on the menu though. Outside of our casino restaurants 'Sun Tou Tou' in Taipa village is a popular one.

  D: When they get here, what non-gambling pursuits do the really big players like to indulge in?

  X: Well saunas and karaoke are both very popular!

  D: What's the biggest win you've seen a big high roller take down in one trip? What were they betting and how long did it take?'

  X: It was a junket gaming of course, and the guy won nearly HK$60 million. He was averaging HK$1.5 million a hand for two days straight.
