丈夫嗜赌成性,无奈妻子挥泪... - 澳门网上真人赌场
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  I will be married 20 years this year and my husband has been a chronic gambler for about 15 of those years.The first year that he played pokies we used to go to the casino together and play for fun - or so I thought. I didn't realise he was addicted. Needless to say, I found out and was very supportive - even organised for him to see a counsellor. I thought things were going well for a little while. Then it started again, and got worse, he was going straight after work and coming home 1 or 2am. Still, I understood it was a disease and hard to control and offered more love and support. I kept it and have still kept it a secret from all our friends and family.

  Things have got worse over the years and I have tried to leave twice and he has begged me to stay. As we run a business he has access to alot of cash all the time which doesn't help. The last few years it has been so bad that I have now told him that I am taking our kids and leaving. The sad thing is that this gambling and since then drinking problem is so bad that he has become emotionless. Every night, if he is not playing the pokies, he will come home and sleep or play computer games. He spent most his time during my pregnancy at the pokies.

  He is a generous, kind man. But this addiction has killed his wonderful qualities. All I see in front of me is a self destructive, sad, mostly angry man. It is not fair to me or my kids. There is no reason for me to protect his secret any more. I now feel that by protecting this terrible secret, I have helped his habit grow and all I have got in return is lies and deceit. We have worked for so long and yet have nothing. He has gambled hundreds of thousands of dollars over the last 15 years.

  So to all you gamblers out there, you not only owe it to yourself, you owe it to your partners and kids. I have spent many nights alone in bed crying and praying for strengh to get through this. My kids have waited for hours on end to have dinner together with Daddy, who came home after they fell asleep waiting.

  So come clean with your selves and get help. It is so worth it. Nobody wants to end up alone and miserable. May God bless you all and I hope you all succeed, but you must own up first and forget your losses and look forward. Goodluck!
