赌博带来的困扰:一个赌徒的自述 - 澳门网上真人赌场
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首页 > 博彩资讯> 产业资讯> 赌博带来的困扰:一个赌徒的自述









  i'm a 31 year old professional with a good job and supportive partner today i gambled away my rent and utility money then tried to get it back by dipping into my partners bank account.

  before moving to australia i used to have a major drug habbit which i managed to succesfully kick and have been clean for the last 18 months i used to have a few drinks and a bit of a punt on the pokies when i quit my other addiction.

  i guess this is where my new one started it only used to take a 20 dollar punt on the pokies and a 10 dollar win to feel like i was a winner and the high that goes with it could best be described at times as euphoric.

  this week being the anniversary of the end of my other addiction i decided to have a few drinks and dinner with a few close friends to celerbrate i never had any intention to go and play the pokies but found myself at a club after i'd left my friends and had dropped about a grand before i realised the sun was coming up.

  this week i lost 4500 dollars trying to win back the money i lost that night always with the hope or expectation that this spin might be the one. i am now at a loss as what to tell my girl friend as to where 5800 dollars of our hard earned money has gone i have spent more money this week on gambling then i ever did in the same period as a drug addict i havn't told my girl friend yet nor does she know about my prior addiction as we've been together for the last 12 months and i feared what she might think of me had she known the truth.

  i guess i'm writing this because i never had any formal help with my drug problem and hope the call to the hotline can help me with what would seem to be a hopeless addiction to anything that would make me feel anything other then the person i know i can be or to be truthfull to the people that really matter in life。
