扑克牌迷信——该做什么和不... - 澳门网上真人赌场
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  Superstitious Playing Card Dos and Don’ts

  As with any pastime that involves elements of luck, many superstitions have arisen around gambling, especially those games that are played with cards.  Even I, master atheist and unbeliever of all things, will not go anywhere near a poker table without my lucky coin.   Over the years many beliefs have developed around playing cards and what you should or shouldn’t do to ward off good luck.

  Here are a couple of my favorites:

  Don’t play on an uncovered surface. You shouldn’t play card games such as poker on a smooth table, but rather one which is covered by a cloth, as this could bring bad luck.

  Don’t pick up your cards with your left hand. Tradition has it that the left hand is associated with the devil, and by holding cards in your left hand, you’ll be allowing evil forces and bad luck into your game play.  Of course, if you’re already left handed, you may have a problem with this one…

  Don’t sit cross legged while playing cards. You’ll be making a hex sign out of yourself by sitting cross legged, and we don’t want more of that evil energy, do we?

  Do avoid singing or whistling while playing cards. These acts are said to draw misfortune and make you lose your card game.

  Don’t play cards in a room where a dog is present.  Apparently poochy in the corner there brings bad luck. Give him a bone and send him out into the garden if you want to advance in your game of poker.

  Don’t drop a card during your game, especially a black one. OK, this obviously can’t be helped if it happens, and you’re certainly not able to predict which card is going to fall! But IF this happens, you should be worried, apparently, as it’s a sign of bad luck.

  Do touch your favorite card. If you want good luck during your game session, search out your favorite card and touch it with your index finger on your right hand.  It is said to bring good fortune.
