给予赌博上瘾赌徒的一些忠告 - 澳门网上真人赌场
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首页 > 博彩资讯> 产业资讯> 给予赌博上瘾赌徒的一些忠告






  当你了解了更多关于博彩业怎样运作,扑克机作为消费品又是怎样毒害人心的时候,也许你会觉得有点生气…但还是用心想一下您为什么以及如何上瘾… …这不仅仅是我们,还有很多扑克机的消费者,那些还在玩扑克机的人们。当你了解得更多,你才会觉得更加强大。

  当你第一次面对赌瘾的时候,通常你会感到很内疚… …这是正常的!不要担心,只要你清楚你现在必须得改变就好… …只要你能做到这一点,就是一个很好的开始!

  Pokies成瘾是很“正常”的,“正常”的人也会因为过度沉迷而成瘾… …因为是机器使“正常”的人成瘾!所以这样的事情发生在你的身上也不能说都是你的错。但你必须自己解决这个问题!!你要知道,你不能再去赌博。所以从现在开始就要戒赌。


  A message from an ex pokies addict! I was addicted for years and although I had break outs, the busts got further apart until now they are a memory. Not everyone can go 'cold turkey'. Whatever works is fine!

  I understand exactly how you are feeling…I used to feel just the same and I can relate to all that you are saying here and a whole lot more! Being embroiled in gambling addiction is not at all fun! It hurts!

  Trust me it IS VERY possible to get over pokies addiction. However it is usually a long haul, hate to tell you lol.

  Just be encouraged by the hope that progressively over time you can gradually get your life back on track. One day you will be able to look back and reflect upon how much you have learned. You will feel so proud of yourself to have come through!

  OK maybe you will feel a bit angry too as you learn more about how the gambling industry works, how pokies as potentially harmful consumer products work…but turn your mind to learning about WHY and HOW you became addicted…and you are half way there. Not always are we, the pokies consumers, the only ones who need to lift our game here. As you learn more you will feel much stronger.

  Though this message posting service is a step forward, there are also some really great online 'gambling support chat forums' that are more inter-active, where you can get encouragement out of reading others' stories and by talking with people back and forth who have had and DO have the same problems, who really DO understand as well! The chat sites are international but they are also anonymous, welcoming and easy to access.

  Just finding out that you are not really some shamefully irresponsible, mentally deficient, uncaring, unfeeling, selfish deviate with two heads (that right now you might feel), helps a lot at first especially!

  When you first face…ie…truly FACE your addiction you feel enormous guilt usually…it's normal! You will get over it. Do not worry about it so long as you accept that things have got to change as of 'now'…and only you can do that. Knowing that you are not the only one ever to have overspent on pokies, is a great start! Pokies addiction is FAR more common than is usually

  Pokies addiction IS very 'normal' and 'normal' people get it…because the machines are designed to cause addiction in 'normal' humans! So it is not your fault alone perhaps, what has happened to you. But it IS your issue to FIX!! You know you can't go on overspending at this rate! So start to quit now, at least! It is time to change tack!

  Maybe try visiting our Facebook group, Gambling Action Group for some info. and links at least? Our motto is "Don't get mad…get involved"! A lot of the members are ex addicts, counselors and people with a lot of knowledge between them. It might be a bit heavy in ways.
