如何来处理赌博成瘾? - 澳门网上真人赌场
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首页 > 博彩资讯> 产业资讯> 如何来处理赌博成瘾?




  虽然,我们很难预测出哪一种才是最适合各种形式赌博成瘾的治疗手段,一个新韦恩州立大学的研究提出观点说:赌瘾治疗不可一刀切。根据韦恩州立大学大卫的M. Ledgerwood的说法,有严重赌博问题的人可以分为三种不同类型。





  How To Deal With Gambling Addiction?

  For a lot of people gambling addiction has been a major problem. Numerous gamblers are not able to deal with their habit, even after taking the required treatment.

  The reason for this problem has been discovered, in a new study. It is believed that every gambling habit cannot be treated in the same procedure, as per the study. Every gambler is different and should be treated in a procedure that is appropriate for him.

  Even though it is difficult to predict which style of treatment is best for various forms of gambling addiction, a new Wayne State University study has suggested that gambling addiction treatment is not one size fits all. There may be up to three different sub-types of people with serious gambling problems, According to David M. Ledgerwood, of the Wayne State University.

  One group, emotionally vulnerable (EV) gamblers, had higher psychiatric and gambling severity and was more likely to have a parent with psychiatric problems as compared to another sub-type, behaviorally conditioned (BC) gamblers. BC gamblers are thought to start gambling because they get caught up in elements of reward associated with the game, rather than to soothe emotional problems.

  Ledgerwood said, in addition, they found that antisocial impulsive (AI) gamblers also had elevated gambling and psychiatric severity when compared to BC gamblers. He further added, that group was most likely to have antisocial personality disorders, a history of substance abuse treatment, and a parent with substance abuse or gambling problems.

  Recovery patterns did not vary among the different groups, although the study included various levels of gambling addiction severity throughout treatment and follow-up. Therefore, sub-typing gambling addiction does not predict treatment outcomes beyond a simple association with gambling severity
