百家乐游戏起源充满着神奇色彩 - 澳门网上真人赌场
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  这是一个对玩家有着很强吸引力的神话,对付功效,连仙人都不能过问。此刻,在21世纪,有百万计的平凡人,纵然他们不是童贞,也活着界各地的赌场玩真钱和在网上赌场玩百家乐。在当代真钱百家乐法则,该卡可以表现0到9点的数值。 8或9,就可以赢得角逐,如果一个6或7则会冒很大的风险,而5或更低的险些老是输,没有人可以冲破法则。


  A Brief History of Baccarat

  Baccarat has always been a popular favorite among casino games. It's combination of skill and chance allows the player to feel in control, even as his actions are predetermined by the game's strict rules. But where did Baccarat come from? What is the origin of this fascinating game?

  What is Baccarat?

  Any aficionado of spy novels can tell you that Baccarat is a card game; specifically, it is the favorite game of James Bond. The first Bond novel, Casino Royale, revolved around a game of Baccarat. Baccarat remains a perennial favorite in real-world casinos, both land based and online, as well.

  So what exactly is this game? At its simplest, and simultaneously its most complex, Baccarat is a card game of skill and chance, combined in equal portions. In this respect, it is not unlike blackjack.

  Baccarat has Old Roots

  While Baccarat is generally associated with France in the popular mind, the game's origins appear to be in Italy. The word "Baccarat" itself is Italian in origin, and means "zero." Zero is the lowest point possible in a hand of Baccarat.

  The Italian connection is interesting, because it helps link the game to a bit of mythical cachet. Some gaming historians believe that versions of Baccarat were played in ancient Rome, but others believe that the origins of Baccarat date back even earlier, to the Etruscan people of northwestern Italy.

  The Etruscans had a legend about the annual prayer service at their Temple of Golden Hair. Nine gods would gather, and watch a virgin cast a die to determine her fate: would she go free, enter the priestly service, or die in the sea?

  The die she cast had nine sides, and her fate rested on a single roll. If she threw an 8 or 9, she became the next priestess; a 6 or 7 sent her back to her home. On a 5 or lower, she would walk into the sea and drown.

  Modern Style Baccarat

  It's an appealing myth for gamers; even the gods could not interfere with the outcome. Now, in the 21st century, millions of regular people, even if they are not virgins, are playing baccarat for real money at both land-based casinos and online casinos all around the world. Under the rules of modern real money Baccarat, the cards can show point values of 0 through 9. An 8 or 9 will win a hand, a 6 or 7 is a risk, and 5 or lower almost always loses. And no one is allowed to break the rules.
