“社交游戏”和“游戏化”之... - 澳门网上真人赌场
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首页 > 博彩资讯> 产业资讯> “社交游戏”和“游戏化”之间的差别


  “社交游戏”(social games)和“游戏化”(gamification)经常被混淆使用,但实际上,他们是差别迥异的两个概念。虽然“游戏化”中所包含的游戏运作方式的确是从“社交游戏”那里借鉴得来,可在许多现实场景下,人们所建立的并非是一个完整的游戏,而是在运用“游戏化”的理念。首先,让我们来看看两者的定义:

  “社交游戏”建立在类似Facebook或者Google+等社交媒体平台上。这些游戏以轻松休闲为特质,玩或不玩全凭一时心情。设计这些游戏就是为了帮助玩家在社交网络中结识朋友。CityVille,Hidden Chronicles以及Words with Friends就是极受追捧的社交游戏典范。

  “游戏化”指的是在“非游戏”框架领域内(non-game context)使用游戏运作方式的过程。从卫生健康领域到员工激励机制,都可以应用“游戏化”的概念吸纳那些浏览你的网页或使用应用程序的客户。Foursquare(译者注:一家基于用户地理位置提供服务信息的手机服务网站)和Mint.com(译者注:一个以在线应用程序构成的个人理财网站)就是“游戏化”的两个绝佳例子。







  “社交游戏”的运行特质能够确保玩家深陷其中,乐此不疲。在With Words with Friends中,你的朋友们可以就一项游戏对你发出挑战。在CityVille中,你必须定期登陆游戏以确保你的庄稼不会枯萎并从虚拟店铺中收取税金。












  另一个例子来源于萨凡纳晨间新闻(Savannah Morning News)。该在线报纸的读者只要完成网站上的调查问题便能够阅读到隐藏的报纸新内容,如果读者向社交网络推荐该报纸,那么也能够获得相应的奖励。



  现在甚至还开发出了类似Chevy Volt这样植入汽车的“游戏化”程序。这种程序通过简单的小游戏使驾驶者的开车效率更高,从而节省汽油和电池使用量。



  其它的“游戏化”系统则对员工的日常工作提出要求。这种中央软件能够促使雇员缩短电话时间,收集更多用户数据;或者是像Target cashier game这样的监测软件那样,记录结账录入的速度,从而给予员工相应的积分和级别奖励。


  Often the terms “social games” and “gamification” are used interchangeably, but in actuality they’re very different animals. While it’s true that gamification borrows its game mechanics from social gaming, there are many real-world situations where it makes more sense to apply gamification instead of building an entire game. First, let’s take a look at a definition of each concept:

  Social games are built on a social media platform like Facebook or Google+. Casual in nature, they can be picked up or dropped at a moment’s notice and are designed to engage the player’s social network of friends. Games like CityVille, Hidden Chronicles, and Words with Friends are popular examples.

  Gamification is the process of using game mechanics in a non-game context. This can be anything from health and fitness, to employee motivation, to simply engaging customers that use your website or app. Two popular examples of gamification include Foursquare and Mint.com.

  How they’re alike

  Before I talk about the differences between social games and gamification, let’s discuss their similarities.

  Players win achievements

  You don’t need to play CityVille for very long to see it’s centered around achievements. As you play, you’re constantly earning points, virtual currency, and leveling up. And don’t forget the long-term achievements like becoming the mayor of your town or building a bakery and a post office.

  Like CityVille, gamification offers rewards for desired behavior. This can be anything from winning a virtual trophy for achieving a financial or health goal to earning points and virtual currency for viewing and sharing content on a website.

  Players keep coming back

  Social games have certain mechanisms to keep players coming back again and again. With Words with Friends, your friends can challenge you to a new game. In CityVille, you need to keep returning to make sure your crops don’t wither and to collect money from your businesses.

  Gamification is also good at maintaining user loyalty because it uses the same game mechanics to draw users back again and again. For example, if you’re using a gamified app like Fleetly, you’ll want to continually return to the app to track your fitness stats and see your progress on the leaderboards.

  Players share and recruit

  One of the reasons social gaming is so successful is that recruitment is built directly into the game. As you play, you’re constantly asked to share your achievements or to ask friends for help.

  Gamification taps into the player’s social network as well. With Dropbox, if you invite a friend to the service and they sign up, you’re both rewarded with additional storage space.

  How they’re different

  So you can see how social gaming and gamification are similar, but gamification adds value beyond entertainment and can be used to make a difference in the real world. Here are a few examples:

  Achieve personal goals

  Gamification can be used to motivate and drive important life changes and healthy habits in those who use it. Once example is HealthMonth (and now Budge), a site dedicated to helping you set and meet your healthy lifestyle goals. It uses game mechanics like points and badges to motivate you and the support of your social network to keep you on track.

  Nike+ helps you achieve your fitness goals by using game mechanics like cheering and tagging. During your run, you will hear a cheer every time a Facebook friend clicks the Like button on your run post. You can even tag a friend and send trash talk directly to their home screen until they complete their run and tag someone else (probably you)。

  Build brand awareness and engagement

  While marketing and advertising are still important ways to get the word out about your business, gamification can also be used to engage customers with your brand or website. Recently, at the DellWorld conference Dell used the concept of Journeys to guide participants around the conference and to learn about new technologies. They then used the data collected from the Journeys to follow up with customers and offer them access to experts in their area of interest.

  Another example is Savannah Morning News, an online newspaper that takes readers on guided quests around the site to expose them to new content and reward them for sharing with their social network.

  Protect the environment

  One emerging trend is using gamification to monitor your energy use and compare it to your friends and neighbors. With apps like SimpleEnergy you can compete with your friends to see who can save the most energy while earning points and badges. This essentially turns energy conservation into a fun and easy way to pass the time.

  There are even gamification programs built into cars like the Chevy Volt that help you save gas and battery power with a simple game that motivates you drive more efficiently.

  Motivate employees

  While still a relatively new way to use gamification, a few companies like NextJump are implementing health gamification systems to encourage employees to stay happy and healthy. Employees compete with one another in attendance-based activities, eventually earning health points that can be applied to their corporateperks account.

  Other gamification systems engage workers in their daily tasks. This might be call center software that encourages employees to keep calls short and collect customer data, or it could be a check out program like the Target cashier game that measures checkout speed and awards points and levels.
