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  Baccarat - casino card games guide

  Casino Games Guide: Baccarat - (Player, Banker and Tie)

  An Italian game by origins, Baccarat gradually grew in popularity and spread to France in the late 15th century.

  If you are interested in playing Baccarat, there are three major terms that are used in the game that players must first understand. They are Player, Banker and Tie. Although one would naturally assume that the term Banker refers to the dealer, the term Player to the individual facing off against the dealer and that Tie refers to both parties drawing an equal hand, this is not the case.

  The three above mentioned terms do not refer to any particular individual. Rather, they merely act as markers to determine the sides of the fence that Baccarat players might choose to stand on during a game.

  The highest possible score in a game ofBaccarat is 9. The cards are valued as follows. Cards 1 through 9 are valued at a point each, while an Ace carries the same value. The King, Queen and Jack cards are not valid in a game of Baccarat. The players calculate their scores by keeping the value of their cards below 9. Any score above nine is valued at the last digit (i.e.) a score of 13 is valued at three, a score of 16 is valued at 6 and so on.

  In countries such the United States, Australia and Canada, a variation of the original version of Baccarat is played where the ‘Tie’ element is eliminated. The cards that are dealt are placed face down, first to the player, and then to the banker. When this has been done, both hands are turned face-up and both scores are totalled. Another hand can then be drawn or withheld at the discretion of the player and banker. The hand with the total closest to nine wins the game.
