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首页 > 博彩资讯> 产业资讯> 澳门的赌场和赌博简介


  澳门是世界闻名的“东方蒙地卡罗”和“亚洲拉斯维加斯”,但是,也许,将拉斯维加斯重新命名为“美国的澳门” 更合适。这是因为澳门的博彩收入实际上是比内华达州还要大,并且,澳门的赌场所提供的游戏的范围,可能是世界上最宽的。澳门也以提供住世界上最大的赌场而自豪,以及在路凼金光大道的威尼斯人度假村。






  路氹金光大道,在连接凼仔岛和路环岛的填海土地上,与市中心南部相隔只有仅仅几公里,是世界上最财大气粗的赌场 --度假村的圣地,并自诩为“世界上增长最快的成人游乐场”发源地。在写作时,该地区的大部分看起来像一个巨大的工地,但这应该不会打扰你,导致在这些宏伟的赌场配合物的一切看起来非常整洁。

  如果你认为你与动物在一起很可能会比与人造机器或肉和血经销商在一起有更多的运气,在澳门有两个场地您可能希望访问:Racecourse 和Canidrome。




  3、在澳门赌场穿着连衣裙是不是太严格的,但是,你不能穿着太随意(短裤、T恤、凉鞋、 拖  鞋,或其他任何你喜欢的......)







  Introduction to casinos and gambling in Macau

  Macau is known worldwide as the "Monte Carlo of the Orient" and the "Asian Las Vegas" but, perhaps, it would have been more appropriate to rename Vegas "America's Macau"... That is because Macau's gambling revenues are actually bigger than those of its Nevada counterpart, and the range of games, offered by its casinos, is probably the widest in the world.  Macau can also pride itself for housing the world's largest casino, at the Venetian Resort in Cotai Strip.


  There are around thirty casinos in Macau and it is truly impossible to tell which one is better and which is not... Gambling is, more than anything else, a question of personal taste and feeling... You can feel very comfortable at a certain casino and feel extremely unlucky at another... There isn't really any rule behind it...

  Notwithstanding the above, if you don't expect to become rich overnight and all you want is to experience the special atmosphere and have a bit of fun, then there are definitely a few casinos in Macau you should make an effort to visit... Some of those casinos look more extravagant and glitzy than anything you have ever seen, and the ambience is umatched.

  A small insight from 'Metropolasia-Man' :

  The Chinese just love to gamble and they ascribe great importance to their zillion gambling-related superstitions, so watching them, as they play, can be quite fascinating...

  Generally speaking, there are two main casino areas in Macau: The Casino Belt, as it is popularly known, is a string of hotels and casinos that stretches along Avenida de Amizade, from Macau's Ferry Terminal, through the Fisherman's Wharf, all the way down to Lisboa Hotel and its vicinity.

  Cotai Strip, on the reclaimed land that connects the islands of Taipa and Coloane, just a few kilometers south of the city centre, is home to some of the world's most ostentatious casino-resorts and describes itself as "The world's fastest growing adult playground"... As of at the time of writing, most of the area looks like one huge construction site, but that shouldn't really bother you, cause inside these grandiose casino complexes everything looks extremely neat and tidy...

  If you think you are likely to have more luck with animals than with manmade machines or flesh-and-blood dealers, there are two venues in Macau you might want to visit: These are the Racecourse  and the Canidrome

  There are a few things you should remember, when visiting a casino in Macau :

  ·Foreign visitors must be at least 18 years old to visit a casino or another gambling venue.

  ·You should have your passport with you.

  ·Dress-code in Macau's casinos is not too strict, however, you can't dress too casual... (shorts, T-shirts, sandals, slippers and the likes are out of the question...)

  ·Cameras and weapons are not allowed. Photography is prohibited.

  Did you know ?

  The history of Macau's gambling industry goes back more than 150 years, when the Portuguese colonial authorities decided to legalize the activity. The real boom, however, started only in 1961, when Stanley Ho's Sociedade de Turismo e Diversoes de Macau was granted the monopoly rights to all forms of gambling in the territory.

  In 2002, the Macau government ended the monopoly system, paving the road for American casino moguls like Steve Wynn and Sheldon Adelson to come in and invest.  The heavy investments did come and at a very short period of time the city managed to surpass Las Vegas as the world's top gaming and entertainment hub.

  Good Luck !
