某媒体公司将出售Gambling.co... - 澳门网上真人赌场
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首页 > 博彩资讯> 产业资讯> 某媒体公司将出售Gambling.com域名



  该公司已经收购了琅琅上口的Casino.co.uk域名并且“翻转”它的过去,变成如今的Casino.de 338.m域名

  贾斯汀德拉蒙德是该媒体公司的首席执行官,在他的公告,有这样一段评论:“虽然媒体公司有显著的现金储备,但我们最近在网上赌博的在线广告空间看到了一些令人兴奋的收购机会。 gambling.com成功出售给其他集团,将有利于扩大媒体公司的财政资源。”


  那么,收购Gambling.com域名有什么价值呢? 在谷歌搜索引起输入Gambling.com,搜索结果会让你觉察到一些迹象。








  Media Corp Puts Gambling.com Domain up for Sale.

  Media Corp, a UK company that specialises in Internet marketing with a focus on the online gambling sector, has put Gambling.com on sale to raise money for acquisitions. How much is it worth?

  The company has bought catchy domain names and “flipped” them on in the past – Casino.co.uk went for ?3.62 ($5.7) million and Casino.de for €400,000 (?338.m) .

  CEO Justin Drummond, in his announcement, comments: “Whilst Media Corp has significant cash reserves, we have recently seen a number of exciting acquisition opportunities in the online gambling and online advertising space. The successful sale of gambling.com will give the group the financial resources to go after these acquisition opportunities.”

  Today, Gambling.com is a gambling portal that sells advertising space. The site used to be a gambling search engine selling clicks to advertisers along the Google Adwords model, but that particular market dried up when the US banned online casinos.

  So what?s it worth? Gambling.com ranks #1 in Google for “gambling”。 So that already gives you an indication.

  Slots.com was sold this year for $5.5 million. Whether or not the buyer will get a return on that investment, is another story, but that sets a benchmark.

  If we do a “back of fag packet calculation” (that?s back of cigarette packet for any US readers out there), and look at the monthly searches for “gambling” in Google adwords its: 1,500,000 per month.

  “Slots” gets 2,240,000 a month according to Adwords (notoriously unreliable, but we are interested in relative values here, not absolute numbers)

  If we make a direct comparison with slots.com, and assume that most of the value comes from the search engine potential, that gives a price tag of  $3.7 million.

  BUT, slots is probably the most lucrative niche in the betting market. Plus gambling has some negative connotations (people with gambling problems might be searching “gambling” to find help and information)。 So that shaves it down to $2.5 million in our book. Factor in inflation for 6 months and pure market craziness/greed/nutters buying, and we would estimate a value of $3 million. The more nutters watching the hammer fall down at the auction, the better for Media Corp and Se?or Drummond.

  Having said that, we wouldn?t fall off our chair if it went for more than that. There are alot of nutters out there with too much money.

  My advise to purchasers is this- if you are just buying it for the SEO potential, try and value gambling.net first. (Just for a reality check before your emotions get the better of you)。 Value the .net and multiple by 10 for the .com
