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首页 > 博彩资讯> 产业资讯> 如何禁止赌场作弊?















  在这个骗局,诈骗者通常有魔术师般快捷的动作。通常该团伙的团队巧妙地分散赌场的各个位置上,方便转移筹码,所以它不是太明显。然后,他们会打几个标准的旋转然后切换表或换赌场。它可以是非常微妙的,很难发现,但事后分析赌场号码的人就会明显,它往往是采取“赢了就跑”的战略 - 一个玩家在赌场打一个车轮,然后转移筹码。这种行为是高度非法的,它基本上是一种偷窃行为。



  不过,一般情况下,罪犯的贪婪都会被发现。 (但是,我们从来没有听到关于一个人的消失,理解了,赌场不敏锐,宣传这种事情)。



  How Do you Get Banned From A Casino For Cheating?

  Here?s an interesting one posed by one of our users. Obviously someone who likes to walk a fine line! He asked “How do You Get Banned from a Casino for Cheating in the UK”?

  We are presuming that this gentleman doesn?t want to get banned, but rather needs to know how far he can push it until the management slings him out. In other words, he wants to walk that fine line between the black list and the jackpot.

  So we have done a bit of research on the matter. Here?s what we found out:

  Let?s start with blackjack, since historically this is the game that has been played by the most people who have been banned. There always seems to be someone who is trying to rig the odds in their favour:

  Here are some activities which will see you landing on your backside on the street outside the casino:

  Card counting. It all started with the MIT gang, and its still going on as this can improve your odds, particularly on single deck games. Nowadays there is even an iPod application that vibrates in your pocket to help you count cards. But don?t get caught- you?ll be out on you ear and on the blacklist (and possibly even arrested)。 And don?t say you studied at MIT.

  Other tricks that don?t go down to well at the blackjack table (remember that there at CCCTV cameras everywhere):

  Working as a team whereby your partner spots the dealer?s hole card from behind and signal it to you.

  Marking the cards.

  Taking away cards.

  Playing with the dealer (in a pre-organised scam (easy to pick up on the winning profiles)。

  Adding chips onto your bet after the round has been dealt.

  Using electronic aids to count cards (eg iPods)

  Going off track for a minute, you can also get banned for being too drunk, leering at the staff or being verbally or physically abusive (obviously)。 Las Vegas does like a drunk, as you lose your inhibitions after a couple of drinks (don?t drink and gamble!)- why do you think they serve free beer if you are betting big? BUT, there is a limit. If your behaviour is putting everyone else off, then out you go.


  The big play that will get you banned at roulette is “Past Posting”。 This is a technique used by cheats to get one over the casino as is illegal.

  In this scam, you bet AFTER the ball has landed in a pocket. Obviously this requires a magician?s touch and the scam artist will generally have a bet on the table already. Often done in teams- one of the gang will distract the croupier and shift chips into winning positions subtly, so that it?s not too obvious that the bets have changed. Then they?ll play a few standard spins and lose a little to make it look nothing is going on and then switch tables or casinos. It can be very subtle and hard to spot, but again the signature of the wins on the wheel make it obvious for anyone analysing the casino numbers afterwards. It tends to be a “Hit and Run”- the team will hit one wheel at a casino and then move on without getting too greedy. Again highly illegal. It?s stealing basically.

  Another version of this is Top Hatting- this is like Past posting, but the dealer is in on the scam. So what is Top Hatting?

  A highly illegal play again, by the way.

  Generally the player and croupier are associates and formulate a plan before the player hits the tables. The quick fingers croupier slips a winning chip onto the winning number with a deft sleight of hand, after the ball has stopped in a pocket. This can be quite profitable at a 36-1 payout- with a single ?25 chip, the pay off is ?875 to the gang.

  Again, it?s simple to spot, but there are some real maestros out there- there are cases of this scam going unnoticed for up to a year. Generally, though, the criminals get greedy and are caught. (But then we never hear about the one?s that got away- understandably, the casinos are not that keen on publicising this kind of thing)。

  You?ll also get thrown out for using electroninc devices to try and gain and edge by analysing any imprefections in the wheel which can result in some nummers coming up more frequently than others. In the past lasers have been used in shoes, vibrators in underpants (yes- really!)- you name it.

  One of the more famous casino cheats who have gone public and retired (so they say!) is Richard Marcus who alledgedly scammed $5 million out of casinos in Atlantic City, Las Vegas, London and Monte Carlo over a 25 years.
