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  今天的一切事情不仅会改变,并且,社会学家托夫勒在他的著作中对未来冲击的预测,使得事情变化的速度将会更快,更迅速。就像这样的一个例子:Kindle电子书阅读器,曾被预示着将会成为2008年最具创新性的新产品。但是两年后,它被iPad击垮,iPad不仅拥有了它的全部功能,还增添了无限多的附加功能。iPad第一代售出时是1500万美元,而14个月后,iPad迅速过时,在市场上被更先进的iPad 2取代。









  Today things not only change, but as sociologist Alvin Toffler predicted in his book Future Shock, the speed of change occurs at a faster and faster rate. As an example, the Kindle Book Reader was heralded as the most innovative new product of the year in 2008. Two years later it was outdated by the iPad, which not only duplicated its capability, but delivered an infinite variety of additional capabilities. It sold 15 million in its first year. Then the iPad was even more quickly outmoded and off the market only 14 months later, replaced by the more advanced iPad 2.

  In a growth industry, where demand is much greater than supply, any executive can look smart. In a maturing industry, one where supply meets or out-strips demand, a phase that the casino industry is in now, successful people need to act creatively to stay in the game. Others may not survive as their poorly designed properties will likely suffer or even fail.

  For example, over the past 30 years, TV and movie rentals have continuously threatened the movie theaters with extinction. As a self-preservation strategy, the theaters have been re-invented to provide a better customer experience. Their solutions have included smaller and more intimate multiplex theaters, a wide variety of movie options, stadium seating with comfortable reclining seats, cup-holders and removable armrests, surround sound, proportionately larger screens, more food choices, high-definition films, 3-D, and IMAX. These changes have in fact saved the theater industry and allowed it to continue to prosper. Unfortunately, in many cases, it was not the original theater owners of 30 years ago that had the foresight and flexibility to change. Many of them went bankrupt. It was a new generation of theater owners that transformed the industry.

  Like the theater industry, casinos are also threatened with extinction. Revolutions in technology and regulation will soon allow everyone to play casino games in the comfort of their own home (perhaps on their 72-inch TV screens), in a coffee shop on iPads (visualize internet games being played in every conveniently located Starbucks), in the office when people are supposed to be working, or literally anywhere.

  What can be done today that will continue to bring our customers to the casino tomorrow? Recently, a small group of futuristic thinkers related to the gaming industry gathered in a private meeting in Las Vegas to discuss and strategize about the future of the casino. Several of them are quoted in this article.

  One thing many agreed upon was that the gaming industry should take a clue from the theater industry. Some of the current casino owners may be too rooted in the past to see a new vision for gaming. When change comes, we are either ride the wave or drown in it. Those that succeed will be the ones that create a unique experience for gaming that people can’t get at home or anywhere else.

  Yes, you will be able to play casino games at home, just like you can watch sports at home. But is it not more exciting to be “at the game” than to watch it on TV? With some innovative thinking, the casino can continue to be the place you’d rather be.
