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  乐趣在哪里?令人惊讶的是,根据游戏研究员杰弗里Lohenhart的研究统计,95%的老虎机玩家并不认为他们在赌博,也不认为自己是赌徒。但业内人士仍然认为他们的客户就是冲着赌博来的,并且他们把客户都以“玩家”的身份对待,认为他们谈论的都是游戏的胜利和损失。当一对夫妇外出吃晚餐和看电影,他们并不认为他们是损失了$ 120,这只是他们获得娱乐体验应该支付的成本。赌场要取得成功,需要将赌场打造成一个娱乐场地,成为一个提供娱乐体验的地方。






  有过赌场经验的人都特别注重在一个特定的赌场中氛围环境的享受,所以赌场要取得成功在赌场品质方面下苦功是非常有必要的。正如切诺基民族企业首席执行官大卫·斯图尔特表示:Hard Rock酒店与塔尔萨赌场联合起来,毋庸置疑,物业的设置直接关系到我们的财产的财务表现。”







  我们最好的客户,都应该是一些不需要脑力活动的群体 - 都是些55岁以上的成年人,有可能对放得很大声的音乐并不领情,或者说被音乐激怒了。然而,实际上,今天各地赌场正在播放的都是一些高雅的音乐。西弗吉尼亚州的惠灵岛赌场,提出了有见地的问题:“如果我们的顾客是平均61岁的女人,那么为什么我们的是摇滚乐队,而不是一个美甲沙龙?”


  Creating a “fun” experience

  — Where is the fun? Surprisingly, according to gaming researcher Dr. Jeffrey Lohenhart, 95 percent of the slot players do not think they are gambling, nor consider themselves gamblers. Yet those in the industry still think that their customers are there to “gamble.” They refer to them as “players,” and talk about win and loss. When a couple goes out to dinner and the movies, they don’t consider that they “lost $120.” It was just the cost of their entertainment experience. To be successful, the casino needs to be understood as an entertainment venue and deliver on the entertainment experience that will compete with other choices.

  Beyond the WOW

  — The wow factor is a great draw but we have done it to death—everything from white tigers and volcanoes to flower gardens and roller coasters. How do we get people to stay and play? Why do we spend so much money on all of these fantastic casino properties just to leave the casino floor as an after-thought?

  No one stays long in a place that is chaotic, or a place that is boring. There are many casinos which grab peoples’ attention but there are far too few that hold their attention. So the ability of a casino’s design to make the customer feel comfortable while engaging their interest and attention is crucial.

  Character is important

  — In a survey by the American Gaming Association, “Atmosphere and Experience” was ranked as the number one determinant in customers’ interest in going to a particular casino. It easily out-ranked the games, entertainment, and food.

  Since the experience people have and the environment they have it in determines their enjoyment at a particular casino, the character of the casino is critically important to the success of the property. As David Stewart, CEO Cherokee Nation Enterprises has said regarding the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino - Tulsa: “Without a doubt, property design is directly related to the financial performance of our property.”

  Design influences how you feel and what you do. The idea of utilizing design to increase financial performance should be obvious, yet it is generally not understood. Good design plays a significant factor in attracting customers and enticing them to stay and play. It has been proven that great casino design can improve same-slot performance by as much as 300 percent.

  Knowing the customer

  — Everyone would admit that the design of a casino affects the success of the property. Yet there is a huge gap in knowing how different design concepts affect the customer to improve or reduce their play, and how that might be different depending on whom specifically that customer is.

  It’s not that easy to create an agreed upon great casino environment, since that means different things to different people. For instance, a “fun place” would be different to 70-year-old women versus 30-year-old guys. How do we create the right place for both of them?

  “Some of the most successful Indian casinos have been expanded over time. The resulting site plan may look like a train wreck of buildings, but the reality is that each section has a different casino atmosphere, coincidently providing a wide variety of experiences,” comments Rich Emery, design partner at Thalden - Boyd - Emery Architects.

  Music is another issue.

  It should be a no-brainer that our best customers – adults over 55 – do not appreciate and are likely irritated by loud Techno, Trance, or Rap music. Yet it is actually is being played today throughout some elegant casinos and also, unbelievably, in their pricey fine-dining restaurants, where grey is the predominant hair color. Teresa Boley, slots director at Wheeling Island Casino, Wheeling, W.Va., asked the insightful question: “If our average customer is a 61-year-old woman, why do we have rock bands instead of a nail salon?”
