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  Once you realize that a great and memorable experience is what attracts people to the casino, providing it becomes the challenge. But since a “great experience” represents something different for each person, the dated idea that one-size-fits-all actually doesn’t fit anyone well. How does one casino effectively target the experience desires of a wide variety of customers—different ages, different likes and dislikes, different social or economic status, some that stay for days, some that stay for hours or only for a few minutes? The answer, of course, is in knowing our customers as individuals. A customer wants more than just options. She wants options that appeal to her. Customizing the casino for different people is essential to deliver the best possible experience to each customer.

  The casino of tomorrow will provide a variety of options that will delight each segment of our market. We will relate more closely to customizing our casino environments to meet the desires of our customers. Each part of the casino must fill the desires of different people, different demographics.

  The casino of the future will recognize that the gaming market has distinct segments. Therefore, the large casino will be segmented into smaller discrete gaming spaces that are uniquely designed for customer preference. Each will have a distinct environment with its own feel and character, creating a great place to play for each customer. We will identify what is most attractive to each of those customer groups and we will provide it. Someone brilliant once said: “To be successful, find out what your customer wants, and deliver it.”

  “Our customers will be driving the next evolution of our casinos. We will be revising our properties by creating gaming spaces that are unique and diverse, so that our customers will see that we really care about them,” said Jeff Livingston, a former casino CEO.

  Casinos will no longer be slaves to the boxes, which will allow much more intriguing slot-playing environments. The casino of the future (more likely three to five years than 10 years) will have slots that are not in fixed machines. Customers will be accommodated in comfortable, non-fixed, lounge-type seating. Games will not be lined up in rows like little soldiers. The computer industry is rapidly moving to “mobile.” Server centric casinos will allow customers to play in a variety of environments (even outdoors), on a wide variety of conveniently placed, or hand held displays. Slot machines will market themselves, enticing longer play. There will be more game choices and, like Amazon does, there will be a side bar that says: “People who enjoyed this game have also played …”

  Casino floor design will include variety, invention, and surprise. It will be bold, dramatic, exciting, and fun. It will have a variety of “pleasure options,” so that players can, according to their own individual needs and desires, keep the great experience going.

  Napoleon Hill once wrote: “A fool with a plan will outperform a genius without a plan.” The casino of the future will be designed related to a “Casino Performance Strategy.” We can bridge the gap between casino design and casino performance--and make a lot more money!

