酒店收益管理制度可借鉴赌场... - 澳门网上真人赌场
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  Revenue management of hotel inventory has long been the practice for hoteliers worldwide, both large and small, chain and independent. Hotel operators understand and accept the need to forecast customer demand at some level of detail and recommend product availability conditions that will deliver the maximum revenue based on that demand. However, for the most part, traditional hotel revenue management is focused purely on maximizing sleeping room revenue with no regard for any other revenue associated with the hotel guest.

  Many companies are now realizing that there is a strong need to adopt a more holistic approach to revenue management across the enterprise. This involves two distinct components. First, there is a need to capture and track all revenue associated with hotel guests in order to segment customers more discretely based on their value—this can come from food and beverage, spa, event venues or, in the case of a casino/hotel, gaming. Second, and equally important, operators need to begin to apply the same principles of revenue management employed at the hotel to each discrete revenue source—there has been a strong push for revenue management in restaurants, spas, event venues and even on the casino floor.

  It could be said that casino companies have set the “gold standard” for customer loyalty programs. There is no doubt that frequent players are strongly incented to use their loyalty cards to earn free room nights, food and beverage and a variety of other complimentary items. The “reward” to the casino companies is a wealth of data about these customers, not only what their play is like, but their frequency, recency, booking window, and countless other valuable nuggets of information. And while for casino companies the payoff for this is great, given the kind of money generated on the casino floor, the value of this customer data is no less significant for a non-gaming company. If a resort hotel has a guest who comes frequently, eats and drinks in the fine dining room, visits the spa and frequents the mini-bar, this guest is of far more value than a unidentified business traveler who simply uses the room as a place to sleep on the infrequent trip to town; and if the hotel has only one room left, it would want to identify the known guest and accept them.
