Hooters 赌场破产拍卖会 - 澳门网上真人赌场
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Hooters 赌场破产拍卖会


  早在8月1日之前,部分赌场提出破产保护申请,以避免止赎。 Canpartners的物业控股公司持有Hooters 赌场债务多达178亿美元(总额1.81亿美元),因此扬言要对Hooters赌场物业止赎。 Canpartners说,Hooters 破产的企图是毫无意义的,因为该赌场的财产多为隐形收入。贷款人估计Hooters 赌场的财产不值80万美元。

  创新资本有限责任公司已经带来制定了赌场财产拍卖计划。如有兴趣购买,任何人都可以来参加竞拍。然而,大多数人认为Canpartners最有机会在此次拍卖中获胜。他们可以提交一份“信贷申办”,这份申办申明了Hooters 赌场欠了他们多少钱。Canpartners申办的债务是 178万美元。如果他们赢了,Hooters 赌场将以止赎告终。

  早些时候,Hooters 赌场在寻找投资者,以帮助他们解决繁重的债务问题,但他们无法找到有兴趣的人对Hooters 赌场投资。相关人士评论说,原因在于Hooters 赌场所处地段在拉斯维加斯地带比较缺乏人气。


  If you want to buy the Hooters Hotel Casino, this is your chance. According to a deal disclosed in U.S. Bankruptcy Court on Tuesday, the casino will be sold at an auction. The highest bidder will win the underperforming Las Vegas casino. The auction date has not yet been set, but it should take place before February 17.

  Back on August 1, Hooters Casino filed for bankruptcy in part to avoid foreclosure. Canpartners realty Holding Company IV holds $178 million of the casino’s debt (out of a total of $181 million) and threatened to foreclose on the property. Canpartners says that the bankruptcy attempt is pointless because the casino property is too far underwater. The lender estimates that the property is not worth more than $80 million.

  Innovation Capital LLC has been marketing the property and plans to bring some bidders to the auction. Anyone who is interested in buying the casino can come and bid on it as well. However, most believe that Canpartners has the best chance of winning the casino. They can submit a “credit bid,” which would be to bid the amount of money that Hooters Casino owes them. That gives Canpartners essentially $178 million to bid on the property and if they win it would have the same result as a foreclosure.

  Earlier Hooters was looking for investors to help bring them out of debt, but they were unable to find people interested in investing capital into the struggling business. Critics say that the amenities at Hooters Casino are inferior to the other casinos on the Las Vegas Strip, which played a part in its lack of popularity.
