内华达州对美国博彩业的领导... - 澳门网上真人赌场
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首页 > 博彩资讯> 产业资讯> 内华达州对美国博彩业的领导作用(一)










  美国的第二大赌城新泽西州,总共有37个赌场,根据美国博彩协会公布的消息,新泽西州在2010年的博彩总收入为3.56 亿美元。



  “只要你问问世界各地的政府官员,他们肯定都是从内华达州那里寻找有价值的经验的。”国家博彩管制局前主席Dennis Neilander如此表示。

  Dennis Neilander说,作为监管者,他与来自世界各地的博彩司法管辖区沟通。内华达州几乎总是各个国家考虑赌博合法化或是考虑如何监督赌博行业的第一站。

  Dennis Neilander说,那是他们经过思想交流后得出来的想法,但他们会要求有关机构制定出最佳的做法。如何监管该行业在世界各地是不同的。内华达州的一些法案条例,可能在新加坡,澳大利亚或加拿大等国家地区无法正常工作。”

  Dennis Neilander还说,他将全心全意为内华达州工作,它可能与其他工作完全不一样,你需要不断地做出修改和调整,以使它运作良好。总之,我们不是为了自己而工作的。

  律师Nelson Rose和美国加利福尼亚州惠蒂尔法律学院的资深教授科斯塔梅萨共同表示,内华达州的博彩行业历史和经验表明,它的博彩监管机构是首屈一指。

  “我认为内华达州一直被认为是黄金标准,”罗斯说, “它是唯一一个赌博合法超过半个世纪的州地区。”

  Nelson Rose是在博彩行业的法律专家和博彩行业历史的爱好研究者,他说,内华达州议会成立于20世纪50年代末,内华达州博彩委员会博彩管制局作为一个监管机构,会指派一些声誉较高的委员调查博彩行业中的一些犯罪行为。

  译文By the end of this week, Nevada is expected to be the first state in the nation to have regulations in place for Internet poker play.

  It’s historic. It’s indicative of the state’s leadership role in the gaming industry.

  And some say it will be a big step toward bringing new technology companies to the state.

  Of course, it would be much more meaningful if online poker play weren’t against the law in the United States. Federal law enforcement officers haven’t been picking on players who participate in online card games. But they have clamped down on banks that handle the financial transactions and operators of poker websites.

  Nevada and other states are gearing up to regulate it only if and when federal lawmakers approve legislation removing those barriers.

  In the weeks leading up to consideration of the new regulations, Nevada has received lots of attention for its leadership role. A recent Internet gambling conference in Las Vegas referred to Nevada as “the gold standard of gaming regulation.”

  But is it?

  Since Nevada legalized casino gambling in 1931, 21 states have followed suit, with most of them joining the club between 1989 and 2008. Not only is Nevada the oldest commercial casino jurisdiction in the country - New Jersey, at No. 2, first legalized gaming operations in 1976 - it’s also the largest by far, with 256 casinos and gross gaming revenue of $10.4 billion in the 2010 fiscal year.

  Colorado has the second most casinos, with 37, while New Jersey had the second highest gross gaming revenue at $3.56 billion in 2010, according to the American Gaming Association.

  But do size and experience create a regulatory gold standard?

  Industry leaders say size no, but experience yes.

  “If you talk to government officials around the world, they still look to Nevada for guidance,” said Dennis Neilander, an attorney with Kaempfer Crowell Renshaw Gronauer & Fiorentino in Carson City and a former chairman of the state Gaming Control Board.

  Neilander said as a regulator, he communicated with gaming jurisdictions from around the world. Nevada is almost always the first stop for states and countries considering the legalization of gambling or for regulators considering changes in how they oversee the industry.

  “It’s usually an exchange of ideas,” Neilander said. “They’ll ask about the structure of the agency or about best practices. How the industry is regulated differs around the world. Some things that work well in Nevada may not work as well in Singapore, Australia or Canada or among the various states.”

  Neilander said the conversation generally starts with him saying, “Here’s what works for us in Nevada. It may not work exactly like that for you or you may need to modify it, but it’s served us well.” Or, “Here’s what hasn’t worked for us.”

  I. Nelson Rose, an attorney and a distinguished senior professor at the Whittier Law School in Costa Mesa, Calif., said the state’s experience and history qualified it to be the premier regulatory body.

  “I think Nevada has always been considered the gold standard,” Rose said. “It’s the only state that has had legal gambling for more than half a century.”

  Rose, an expert in gaming law and an aficionado of industry history, said Nevada built its reputation as a regulatory authority when the Nevada Legislature formed the Nevada Gaming Commission and the Gaming Control Board in the late 1950s in the wake of Sen. Estes Kefauver’s Senate committee investigating organized crime.
