内布拉斯加州州长否决博彩业... - 澳门网上真人赌场
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首页 > 博彩资讯> 产业资讯> 内布拉斯加州州长否决博彩业扩张法案


  通过允许场外赌马法案的内布拉斯加州议员们在担心这一天是否能到来了,周一该州州长Dave Heineman否决了这项法案,连同反对理由一起返回给了议员。








  Nebraska Governor Vetoes Gambling Expansion Bill

  Lawmakers that passed a bill that would allow betting on past horse races in Nebraska were concerned that this day could be coming. On Monday, Nebraska Governor Dave Heineman vetoed the legislation, sending the bill back to lawmakers with a list of objections.

  Nebraska is one of the few states that has stayed strict with their gambling laws. While dozens of other states have brought new casinos, lotteries, and other forms of gambling to help offset the economic recession, Nebraska remained with only betting on live horse races, and that is where the governor believes the law was intended to stop.

  "This law contradicts the spirit of the live horse racing provisions enacted by the voters in the Nebraska Constitution and expands gambling beyond what has currently been authorized," said Governor Heineman, in a statement vetoing the legislation.

  While it was the live racing industry that Heineman was attempting to protect, it may be the tracks in Nebraska that pay the biggest price from the veto. The bill was aimed at helping the tracks attract more customers in the aftermath of the recession. The racing industry has been among the hardest hit by the recession, with many states adding casinos at the tracks to try and lure gamblers.

  The idea to allow betting on past races started in Arkansas, and has spread to Kentucky. The premise behind the idea is that old races are shown on a monitor, without the gambler knowing which race is airing. The bettor can then place a wager on the race, which will,in turn, play out on the screen.

  Legislators had the opportunity to make the bill veto-proof, but they fell four votes short of that goal. That left the legislation in the hands of Heineman, who delivered his veto Monday.

  There is now a chance that lawmakers try to rework the bill in order to fit the specifications of the governor, but it is unlikely that a gambling bill will pass this year. Beyond the constitutionality, Heineman did not offer details on Monday as to the other parts of the bill to which he objected.
