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  有法令学者暗示,该文件倾覆了美国司法部一向以来将各类情势的在线博彩视为犯科的态度,此次表明无疑为各州和收集博彩业奉上了一份“圣诞大礼”。今朝,对付该文件与上述《电信法案》和2006年美国出台的的《榨取互联网博彩法案UIGEA》(《Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006》)的关联性及好坏相关,尚未有当局、法令界人士和媒体做出相干评述。








  Reuters and the Wall Street Journal recently reported that the Office of Legal Counsel under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Department of Justice on December 23, open a document in September, the file may be states online lottery betting legalization cleared the way for , as well as the states billions of dollars in taxes and online gaming industry brings the possibility.

  Net sales in theory is not illegal

  It is reported that the drafting of the Assistant Attorney General Sides in the document pointed out that the Telecommunications Act adopted by Congress in 1961 explicitly written to prohibit betting on sports events or competitions through the communication network provision, bill intended only to prohibit horse racing sports gaming, rather than limiting the state's use of the Internet sales of lottery. She said, "in accordance with the general understanding of the meaning of 'sports activities and competition' does not include the lottery, we think that the lottery is not the" Telecommunications Act "prohibited within."

  Some legal scholars said that the document to subvert the position of the U.S. Department of Justice has since the various forms of online gaming as illegal, this explains no doubt the state and network gaming industry brought to a "Christmas gift". At present, the relevance and interest for the file with the Telecommunications Act and the 2006 introduction of prohibitions on Internet gambling bill the UIGEA (the "Unlawful Internet Gambling. Enforcement Act of 2006"), yet the government, the legal profession and the media to make comment.

  Illinois network for sale to try it

  Local time on December 26, Michael Jones, director of the Illinois state lottery, to respond to this "Christmas gift", he said that the prospects are very much looking forward to on-line lottery, the lottery network of sales and hope to achieve within the next three to four months .

  It is understood that the state lottery official lottery onto the network, this project already made plans - in 2009, the state of a major highway and bridge construction project or grant, legislators hope the network lottery revenue as the construction project payment, but due to the network sale of the color of the judicial obstacles hopes dashed. "In the next ten days, we will start planning for the network details of the sale of color, should the government sale of color truly open network, my state will be the first official net sales." Michael Jones said, they will be network lottery game The main sale of color as a network, such as Lotto, Mega Millions and Powerball will be used as the main game, rather than the casino games.

  Online games are not mature enough

  Currently, the U.S. state to legalize online poker and other forms of the game, Nevada and Washington, DC. Government and industry consultant, Nelson Rose, Whittier Law School, gaming law expert, said the speech would cut off virtually all federal anti-gaming bill to limit the states to legalize online betting behavior. If states like Nevada or Washington, DC, there is no any federal law to regulate the operators.
